Published on September 20, 2003 By brab_alan In Politics
As I have read that saying that Bush had hinted at a connection between Iraq and 9/11 was revisionism, I need some help to read this:

I am pretty sure that my misunderstanding of this letter (that is, concluding from it that Iraq or its leaders are terrorist or have aided the 9/11 attacks) comes from the fact that I am not a native English speaker. Please enlighten me if this conclusion is wrong.
on Sep 24, 2003
Your understanding of the facts are masterful. It's the ability of Americans and particulary their government to rewrite recent history that's at fault.

Yes America strongly hinted that Iraq was connected to 9/11. They could even name 1 terrorist (not from Al Queda and wanted for a nearly 20 year old terrorist offense) who Iraq was protecting.
Yes America now admits it had and has no proof that Al Queda was ever associated with Iraq.
Yes 70% of Americans believed Iraq was linked to Al Queda.

we could even add

Yes America claimed Iraq had WMD
Yes America still has no proof of such claims

thus removing the need for the 'adequately protecting the US from ...' in your quoted article.
