Found on atrios blog: October 4, 1997 CNN’s “Evans & Novak" JOHN ASHCROFT: The truth of the matter is that if the law's been violated, we should be able to ascertain that. We can, if we have an independent person without a conflict of interest… ROWLAND EVANS: …The attorney general has shaved down all the allegations that Vice President Gore apparently down to one single allegation -- which telephone he used to make these fundraising calls from. Do you re...
I just read a fascinating article on the The New Yorker . Assuming the administration did not lie about WMD and Iraq, this article shows a plausible explanation for the many mistakes that the Administration made in its intelligence evaluation. It also kind of explain why the CIA is so mad about one of its agent being uncovered ... they were already mad before that. It's a long read, but it's worth it.
I have just read a fascinating article about what might be the "real" reason the US went to war. It was written last January, but I think it's more relevant than ever. According to the author, the fact that Iraq switched its oil currency from dollars to euros in 2000 plays a very important role. And this would also explain why France and Germany were so much against the war: it's not about human rights or anti-Americanism, just plain old greed. Even if you disagree with the idea that this i...
I've been following this since July, and posted about this once before in this blog, but I cannot help but be amazed at the speed at which it took off. And now even registered republicans are expressing their disgust. The thing I find really surprising, and that no mainstream media seems to be asking, is: a covert CIA agent name was leaked, and nobody reported it (oh, there were a couple small articles around mid-July, but nothing big like now). The CIA had to get mad and start asking direc...
Well, it seems that the CIA is no so happy about this story , that has been debated in the blogosphere for a while now. Even the Drudge Report has it as headlines. Maybe the administration cannot do everything is wants with no consequences anymore ...
I just read this update on the Diebold affair, and I find this very scary. It seems that this company wants to make sure that noone knows how, and whether, their votes are counted. I have participated in many manual vote counts in France (all vote counts are manual), and I was really impressed by the mechanism put in place to avoid cheating. The great thing is that any registered voter can go and count votes, thus building their trust in the system. What Diebold seems to be doing is the exa...
If you have five minutes to spare, this article is enlightening: .
As I have read that saying that Bush had hinted at a connection between Iraq and 9/11 was revisionism, I need some help to read this: I am pretty sure that my misunderstanding of this letter (that is, concluding from it that Iraq or its leaders are terrorist or have aided the 9/11 attacks) comes from the fact that I am not a native English speaker. Please enlighten me if this conclusion is wrong.